Sunday, 21 September 2014

Objects with face


1) I found that just beside the financial counter. A cute smiling face was shown by the telephone as the two screws were assumed as the eyes whereas the telephone wire was assumed as the smiling mouth.
2) This was the side part of the NAFA library scanner. The clearly 'face' could be seen at the scanner and this was the extra ordinary 'face' as there were two pairs of the eyes and three mouths. However, it was not terrible for me and I felt that the part was quite funny.

3) This was my first time to see the 'yellow eyes' with words. That was really funny and creative 'eyes'. In additional, the mouth was extremely big that I seemed waiting somebody to approach it and swallow the people.

4) The up-side-down face looked like a bat that was sleeping at that moment and it disallowed another people to disturb it during its sleeping time. Have a sweet nightmare !

5) The 'face' looked more special compared to others due to it was performed by three different kinds and unrelated objects together.

6) The thing was not strange to us and we could see it in our daily life. The tree important parts on the plug looked like the face that with ' golden pair of eyes' and 'golden mouth'. By this, I realised that art can be easily adapted, found and performed on an even ordinary object.

7) Oh my God! The ' alien' was existing in NAFA! Most of its parts especially the eyes, mouth and tongue were extremely black in colour. It looked terrible and let the people scared of it.

8) A funny face on the office door. It seemed preparing to say 'welcome' or 'hi' to those who approached it. What a nice door existed in NAFA!

9) Somebody's art work was displayed beside the corridor. It was an abstract arts work as sometimes it looked like the log with many holes but sometimes it seemed an ugly ghost face with multiple of eyes and mouths and abnormal shape of face. Yuck !

10) A pair of dragon eyes and nose are shown on the necklet. Obviously, it is a Chinese style necklet.


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