Wednesday, 4 February 2015


        Empathy is quite ordinary and important in our life. We may have this feeling when we face certain condition. Empathy is totally different with the sympathy as with empathy we can feel the connection whereas with sympathy we will dry the connection.

        For this year 1 semester 2 with the module Design Process, our group have chosen the title '' Classrooms are Boring'' to look into and deal with the problems. First of all, what we need to do after choosing this title is not immediately think about the solutions for the problem but we need to have empathy with the problem.

       At my study place, what I see is that the classrooms are really let the students to feel boring due to some reasons. For instance, the environment of the classrooms most of the times are untidy as there have some rubbish around the classrooms. Also, the lack of facilities affects the study mood of the students in the classrooms. Even nowadays is a era that advance technology is very much needed for every area but sometimes students do not have the opportunity to have and enjoy it. As a result, they may can not do well and be outstanding in their studies. In other words, this is the outcome because of the lack of advance technology. Besides that, the old furniture cause them to feel inconvenient when using. However, the school never change the new one for them. Furthermore, I also find that students are not satisfied with the classrooms design too. This problem is caused by the too common design in the classrooms. Most of the times the classrooms are not much design or even the old school design. That is why the design in the classrooms is not really interesting to most of the students. What they want is the ''interesting place''.

        In conclusion, classrooms are boring is the problem that the students face now. I myself also deeply feel that because I am a student student too and I can feel what they feel. In other word, I have the empathy with them. With empathy, I can make sense or more understanding what is happening in our surrounding. It brings ourselves to the solutions as we can feel the truth.  Last but not least, to make is to realise empathy. It is at the heart of the bottom of what it means to be. It is a human right.    

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