Wednesday, 1 April 2015

First time interview with my friends

          Interview is part of our group works as it includes in the chapter 2 of the proposal. I was in-charge to do the interview . Well , I had found some of my friends who studied in Malaysia as well as in Singapore and had the interview with them . Luckily, all of them were willing for the interview . 

 1) Chong Can Nie  ( Malaysian , 19 years old , studies at Malaysia private international college , Crescendo International College )
          She told us that her classroom is in the hall. What she unsatisfied with the classroom environment is that there is no windows and she did not have the chance to see the environment outside the classroom .  She also said that  the place for the students to sit are a bit pack as there are too many students in every each row.
           For the classroom provided facilities, the microphone is not always in the good condition so that the voice of the lecturer cannot be heard so clearly.  Due to the down light effect on the projector , she could not see the the slides clearly from the projector. Besides that , the desk drawers are too small so limited things can be kept inside there .  She felt a bit disappointed that the school did not provide the computers in the classroom for every student. Furthermore , the attendance marking  system is still in manual manner .
           For the classroom layout , she gave the comment that the classroom ceilings are too ordinary as she can see that in everywhere . She prefer there have some special design for the classroom ceiling . Because of  her classroom is in the hall and no windows , the sunlight cannot penetrates into there. This makes the classroom becomes dull . Besides that , she was disagree with the position of the storeroom which is located in front of the classroom because it will affect the image of the classroom .

2) Chong Wei Nie  ( Malaysian , 21 years old , studies at Malaysia private international college, Crescendo International College )
          She felt that the classroom environment is less convenient to her because she did not like the classroom in the hall as there is no windows provided in the hall and she did not have the opportunity to see the sky and the outside environment .
           For the facilities , the classroom projector is not in the good condition as the projector light not so clear .  She satisfied with the classroom furniture including tables and chairs because they are still new .  More ever , she suggested that the ceiling can be made in transparent  so that the sunlight can be penetrated into the classroom and she can have a look of the sky .  She also pointed out the defect of the attendance marking system by manual way .  She shared to us that one of her friends who studies at Australia , the university attendance marking is done by using the i-phone . It is more systematic and save more time to mark the students’ daily attendance .  She hoped that her school also could apply it for the attendance marking system . 
            For the classroom layout , she felt boring to the single colour of the wall that there is only the white colour for all the walls in the classroom . Her suggestion for improving the current condition is that the wall painting can be done by the students as the students are encouraged to design and draw for their own classroom so that different classroom have different designs .

 3) Darren Chow Fei  ( Malaysian , 21 years old , studies at Singapore private university , James Cook University (JCU) )
           He told us that the environment of the classroom is not enough convenient for him .  For instance , he was unsatisfied with the arrangement of the classroom tables . The tables is arranged to close to each other . It is a bit hard for the students who want to move from there .  Besides that , for the certain lessons , the classroom is full of students and the space become limited for them to move around .
            For the facilities , he commented about the classroom projector was not clear and the students was difficult to see the slides through it . Furthermore , there is lack of microphone as the microphone must be prepared by teachers themselves but not the school . More ever , the chairs are not comfortable too to sit .
            For the classroom layout ,  he found that the colours that was painted on the wall is boring because there is only two colours which are white and grey . he preferred the colourful wall .  In the other words , there is not much on the wall .

 4) Nickless Mart  (  Malaysian , 19 years old , studies at Singapore private college , Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) )
           She said that the classroom environment is inconvenient to her because it is too cool for her and she felt very sleepy every time .  Some more , the lighting of the classroom need to be improved as the lighting was inconvenient for her . 
           For the facilities , the projector sometimes is not in the good condition as well as the wifi connection is always unstable . Furthermore , the computer softwares seldom to be updated . For a student who comes from 3D Design Department as her ,  it  brings some bad effects to her in her study .  Besides that , she was very unsatisfied that the tables are not enough that sometimes the students need to share the table with others . The students do not have their own table in the classrooms .  She also found that the position of the whiteboard is too low . The students who sit behind the classroom always felt hard to see the words written on the whiteboard .
           For the classroom layout ,  the space is too small and she felt that she could only the limited activities in the classroom . More ever , there is too much of staffs in the classroom that affect the classroom image .


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